Because I want to buy a new shoes for myself.
But the most important is we need to buy a present for our friend^^
Who is that?
So sorry!!!
I can't tell now...
I can't tell now...
Don't worry *_~
I will tell you all tomorrow...
Actually, we just spent about one hour to seach for a suitable present.
This show that ou efficieny is so high :p
Because we know what our friend like...
After that, now is my turn to search for my new shoes.
It is so difficult to find a nice and suitable for myself...
Some more, most of the price of shoes is so expensive!!!
When I almost wanted to surrender,
I found it!!!
::White shoes--RM 26.00::
I know some of friends will say--
"Hey, white shoes again?"
What can I do?
I prefer white shoes^^
Sometimes, I have a thought that maybe I should try some others colour shoes...
*Going to try next time when I want to buy a new shoes*
::Silvia likes this blue octopus::
Christmas is coming soon (still has 3 weeks more to go)!!!
I found something very weird...
There are so many RED colour Christmas trees in Sunway Piramid~~~
Maybe this is due to gene mutation in Christmas tree...
Bluff only lah ^_^
:: Nice Christmas trees::