Monday 16 March 2009


My A2 trial exam is coming soon!!!
Although it is only a trial exam,
I can feel the powerful stress is attacking me!
Hope that I can withstand and against it ^^

Start doing revision now....
Biology-- 2 papers
Chemistry-- 2 papers
Maths-- 2 papers

SIX papers only?
Yes, there are only SIX papers.
But I'm half died now!!!

Luckily, I'm going to have 2 weeks holidays straight after the trial exam ^^
That is the time for me to recharge and rest (get enough sleep).
After that...


I'm going to stay in hostel.
Yeah!!! Going back to my sweet warm home ~~
Mum's cook + enough sleep + revision = Flying colour result (hope so..)


1 comment:

Csheng said...

ya... i'm sure you can do it... and achieve your target...
Jia you!!!