Friday 10 July 2009

Journey is going to start again...

我想: 我应该休息够了。该是时候提起精神,收起放假的心情,认真、勇敢地面对挑战和考验。我时常说,未来是未知数。我不能看到未来,所以只能处于stand-by的状态。


过去的一年半里,我的生活里经常出现变化。有时候,我真的觉得好累哦~ 特别是当你要为某件事做出选择的时候。你完全无法知道你所做的选择后的结果。那可能是个能改变你的一生的选择; 那也可能是个让你一蹶不振的选择... 无论是好结果,还是坏结果,那都是你自己得负责任的选择! 对我而言,假如我做错了选择,我已经习惯性地将它视为老天爷送给我的礼物。礼物? 会不会形容得太好听啊? 在拆那些礼物的当儿,我伤心、沮丧过,甚至有过放弃的念头... 与其自甘堕落,不如赏自己两巴掌,让自己哭过后再站起来。虽然那些礼物无法令我开心,可是它却让我成长了不少...

I'm going to leave my sweet sweet home and going to start my Uni. I know it will be an interesting event in my life. However, at the same time, I feel a bit unease.

Anyway, I'll try my best ^^
I know my beloved friends and family will always be there to support me~~~


1 comment:

Lisawordss said...

hey. jia you! support watever u did. as long as it's right. if not right, i will voice out! so, don blame me tat time. haha. GAMBATEH!!