Saturday, 5 December 2009


I woke up quite late today because there was no practice in the morning.
I found out that I'm really very tired.
I tend to stick on my bed although my alarm kept ringing.

We went to studio in the afternoon.
We practised in full dress.
OMG~ Our steps became very messy!!!
*because of the cap? Just like we wear mask in the competition*
But, I think we will do well tomorrow...
Perhaps nah~

We took LRT all the way to Wangsa Maju and took cab to the Wangsa Maju Walk Mall.
Erm... We are the first group to do the rehearsal.
Thoughout the whole rehearsal, I'm not that satisfied with my performance >.<
Sometimes, I missed some steps.
Sometimes, my counting was too fast..
Somtimes, my position was not at the right place...
What happen to me?
Can I do well tomorrow?
Hope so lah~~~

Cy, thanks for your message ^^

Hey guys~ Good luck tomorrow weh!
You guys can do it! Just remember to sty calm and steady especially when you are wearing heels ;p
Go! Go!! Go!!! :p

I thought you forgot us already :p
Anyway, thanks for your support ^^
Don't worry~
We will do our best for MASQUERADE!!!


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