Tuesday 19 May 2009

Silly things...

Just relax! See how many silly things you had done so far~~~

~用手插入米缸的米里面玩来玩去 Put ur hand into rice container and play the rice

~地下有阶砖时,特意隔一格一格来走 While walking, purposely walk on the tile per tile

~用镜面等反光物品反射阳光,照来照去 Use something to reflect the sunlight

~吃完瑞士糖(Sugus)之后,将糖纸包回原本四四方方的形状出来 After finish eating Sugus sweet, fold the wrapper back to original shape

~超级市场踩着购物车行走 Push the trolley around the supermarket

~贴张写着“我是白痴”等等的纸条在同学的背后 Write 'I'm an idiot!' on a paper and it on friends' back

~拍别人左边 站在别人右边 Touch people's left shoulder but stand on his/her right side

~踩别人的影子 Step on others' shadow

~丢别人门口的拖鞋下楼 Throw somebody's shoes down the floor

~在电梯(Escalator)上往相反方向走 Walk in opposite direction while taking escalotor

~用萤光笔(Highlighter)油指甲 Use hightlighter to polish your nails

~对着镜子学跳舞/演戏/唱歌 Dancing/acting/singing in front of a mirror

~下雨的时候,拿起伞故意往雨大的地方走去 听雨啪啪的声音 Purposely walk in the rain with umbrella to heard the sound of rain water dropping on the umbrella

~玩家电包装里的那张有很多泡泡的塑料膜,把泡泡一个一个按破 *Sorry, I don't know how to tanslate this statement. Can somebody help me?*

I had done 12 of these silly things ^^
How about you all?
Just take a break and think back...
You will find out how silly you have been.
Don't be paiseh and laugh!!!
Because this is part of our life~~~



Lisawordss said...

except throw ppl shoes tat, i did all!!!!!!! hahaha

Luan said...

Really ar?
What u r so...silly...
Juz kidding lah... silly means 有童真...
